I’m sure that at some point in history somebody must have said “it is inspiration what moves the world.” Well, even if they haven’t I think it to be utterly truthful. It is at those moments in which we feel invincible and blessed by inspiration that the most beautiful things come to life. If this was not the truth there would be no space in the world for artists, sculptures, painters and writers. We need inspiration. We need the visit of that candid muse that lights the bulb in our heads and with her soft whisper encourages us to create. Could we survive in a world without inspiration? I don’t think so. Without it, we would just be boring and definitely bored. But we must never forget that inspiration is a two and sometimes a three way street. It is because of the offspring of our inspiration that others get inspired and create their own versions of reality and beauty and art. Personally I love to write, however I don’t feel encouraged to do it by the world around. I can spend days writing poems and short stories and small editorials/reflections, and afterward go into a down ward spiral of hating the world and the word and not looking to my writing utensils for weeks and sometimes months. I guess deep down inspiration alone is never enough, we need to feel that we have inspired someone else in order for our creation to be worth the time and effort we dedicated into it. Inspiring other becomes the main focus of our own inspiration. Funny huh? But that’s just me.
There is another thing that I am almost sure of, if people shared inspiration more often, the world would be a better place to live, people would be happier and it would be easier to find a place in the world, and be happy in it.
~~~What is it? Author's Chair is the final step in the writing process. A special time and place is allotted to writers who wish to share their final products with an audience. ~~~¿Qué es? La silla de autor es el último paso en el proceso de escritura. Es un momento especial que tienen los escritores que deseen compartir sus productos finales con una audiencia. (información tomada de Teacher Visión, ver enlace)
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