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Saturday, December 25, 2010


Teaching is like sailing a ship into a hurricane, there are moments of strong winds and you’re certain that you are sinking into the maelstrom, then you reach the eye and there is serenity, there is light, and for a small moment you glimpse your calling, your purpose, right before the reverse winds strike upon you again. In the toughest journey, you wonder if this is where the ship should sail. Should it be here now? Yet, everyday it is exactly where it must be. In the process of becoming, there is burning and dying. I am dying. I am singed. I am sinking into the maelstrom only to resurface at some point knowing that there will be another eye of the hurricane moment again.


  1. Zoraida- I just saw this today. As always, your imagery is powerful. Hope you are well See you soon, I hope!

  2. Thank you Katrin. I had not been into this blog in quite some time. I seemed to have clicked on some place here and wound up here again. It's been a while since I wrote this. Things are way a lot better now.
