I’ve always had a problem with the saying, “they fight like cats and dogs”. Why you might ask. Well, the answer is simple; I know cats and dogs that get along just fine. I know that the most common argument to refute this would be “but that’s not the rule, it is the exception” and I kind of have a problem with that too. As humans living in a pre designed society by other humans, we define what the rule is and what is the exception, therefore you can’t tell me that a cat and a dog are natural enemies when there is living breathing proof that they are not. These two cute little animals are not born hating each other, they learn to, and that nobody can claim to be an innate instinct. But the main point of this writing is not to talk about the differences between cats and dogs these are just mere reflections of the real problem between the human species that populates the Earth, and the problem is tolerance.
I am completely against tolerance. I think tolerance is the worst thing ever invented by some hateful human being that was not able to conceive love out of his/her heart toward his/her neighbor. For me, tolerance is hate in a Barbie doll Halloween costume, it may look perfect and appealing on the outside but it is hollow on the inside and at the end of the night, it was just a disguise. Tolerance is a “special pass” that allows you not to deal with your problem the right way as long as you avoid it by leaving it alone, as a consequence tolerance implies that you never even try to understand and love that which you don’t give yourself a chance to know and you have been taught to hate. Being tolerant means to “not reject”, it does not mean that you accept and love whatever the subject in question is. Let’s look at it like this, you tolerate vegetables and so you don’t torch the veggies section at the supermarket, but that does not mean you like them, and even if you have to eat them, you will not enjoy them, in short, you still hate them even when you don’t disappear them from the face of the Earth. At least in my dictionary the most accurate synonym for tolerance is hypocrisy, it will never be a synonym of respect, it will never be a synonym of acceptance and more importantly it will never be a synonym of love. Therefore tolerance is not the solution, education and love will always be.
~~~What is it? Author's Chair is the final step in the writing process. A special time and place is allotted to writers who wish to share their final products with an audience. ~~~¿Qué es? La silla de autor es el último paso en el proceso de escritura. Es un momento especial que tienen los escritores que deseen compartir sus productos finales con una audiencia. (información tomada de Teacher Visión, ver enlace)
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Yalitza this is great! I completely agree with you. It takes so much more to really get to know others and thier differences. Learning to accept these differences, as the true nature that God intended on this earth, and learning to see how these differences makes us all special is what I believe, being here is all about. This is why I think Walt Whitman said "I celebrate myself!" We should all celebrate that uniqueness. We should celebrate it within ourselves and those around us. And so my friend BRAVO!